Mihia ngā hau toro i nuku
Whiria ngā hau toro i rangi
He haurere mihia tāngata
He haurere whiria tāngata
Welcomed by the winds of Papa
Greeted by the winds of Rangi
A calling of welcome to all
A connection of people,
time and place.
Tāwhirimātea is the deity of wind and is remembered in Māori histories as the child of our primordial parents that attempted to maintain the connection between them and his siblings.
The winds that enabled our ancestors to arrive in Aotearoa New Zealand, are the same winds that carry visitors to our shores today. These winds connect our histories and bind us to each other.
Haurere is an expression of that connection. As a collection of visitor experiences bound by genealogy, history, and the natural world, it is a call of welcome.
The winds that enabled our ancestors to arrive in Aotearoa New Zealand, are the same winds that carry visitors to our shores today. These winds connect our histories and bind us to each other.
Haurere is an expression of that connection. As a collection of visitor experiences bound by genealogy, history, and the natural world, it is a call of welcome.
North Island
Central North Island
Volcanic Air
Te Pā Tū
Rapids Jet
Chris Jolly Outdoors
Kohutapu Lodge & Whirinaki Rainforest
All Haurere businesses are Qualmark members, New Zealand tourism’s mark of quality.